Hábitos ecológicos que seguir en el día a día

Reducir, reutilizar y reciclar son las reglas de las tres erres, imprescindibles en cualquier hogar que se preocupe por el medio ambiente. No obstante, ahora hay que dar un paso más y tomar hábitos ecológicos que se centren en disminuir el gasto energético en la vivienda. En este artículo te contamos qué es lo que puedes hacer y verás cómo el planeta te lo agradecerá.

Conocer el mercado energético y tus necesidades

En primer lugar, todos los consumidores deberían conocer cómo funciona el mercado energético, aunque no sean los responsables del suministro y paguen las facturas (por ejemplo, en el caso de los alquileres vacacionales). Los propietarios de estas viviendas podrán ofrecer precios más competitivos si consiguen contratar la luz más barata para sus clientes. Para que su entendimiento sea más sencillo, en este artículo https://www.tarifasenergia.com/contratar-luz/iberdrola-contratacion/contratar/ te contamos cómo contratar luz con Iberdrola, pero el resto de empresas, ya sea Endesa, Podo, Repsol u otra, tienen los mismos procedimientos.

Es fundamental saber qué necesidades tienen los habitantes y elegir en consonancia la potencia contratada y la tarifa (de discriminación horaria o de precio del kWh estable). Para saber qué empresas ofrecen los mejores precios es recomendable usar un comparador de tarifas que indicará si Holaluz, Naturgy o cualquier otra dispone de los precios más bajos para tus necesidades. Es conveniente que el cliente analice los contratos y llame al teléfono de Holaluz o de la empresa que sea para preguntar sus dudas. Además de teléfono de atención al cliente, algunas comercializadoras más grandes, Holaluz no, disponen de oficinas físicas para atender a los usuarios.

Hábitos ecológicos para adoptar hoy mismo

A continuación, te damos unas cuantas ideas de hábitos ecológicos para adoptar en tu vivienda, en tu residencia vacacional y en cualquier lugar:

  • Acabar con el stand by: los aparatos eléctricos conectados a la red siguen consumiendo aunque no se estén utilizando. Para desconectar varios al mismo tiempo se pueden usar regletas.
  • Lavadoras y lavavajillas llenos y con programas fríos: ambos electrodomésticos consumen bastante energía, por ello, usarlos únicamente cuando estén llenos y con programas fríos o eco reducirán su gasto.
  • Productos de limpieza ecológicos: no hay que dejar escapar ningún detalle, muchos de los productos que compramos para limpiar el hogar son contaminantes, optar por aquellos que no tienen productos químicos será más ecológico.
  • Aprovechar al máximo la luz natural: encender un interruptor de la luz es un gesto que nos sale de forma automática, sin embargo, la luz natural nos puede servir durante muchas horas. Así nos ahorramos recurrir a la artificial, no obstante, para ahorrar energía las luces de casa tienen que ser iluminación LED porque consumen mucho menos.
  • Trucos para ahorrar agua: darse duchas en vez de grandes baños, utilizar reductores de agua o no dejar correr este bien mientras nos cepillamos son acciones que benefician al planeta.
  • Andar o coger bicicletas: un hábito ecológico y saludable es prescindir de los vehículos y optar por caminar o ir en bicicleta. De hecho, en España está habiendo un boom en la actualidad tras la pandemia de coronavirus, lee más sobre ello aquí.

New features of reopening

The wind line in the sea. You can see it from Villa La Malvasía.

The selection of the houses that appear in Viprenting has been done very meticulously. Cleaning and disinfection have always been one of the central elements for us. But with the appearance and spread of the pandemic caused by the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus (COVID-19), cleaning and, above all, disinfection take on a greater weight than they already had. The health of our guests, owners and cleaning staff require extra effort in this regard. This is why we are launching a new cleaning and disinfection protocol and we offer our guests the guarantee of a longer stay at Viprenting.

How have we prepared for the reopening?
Since the time when the Canary Islands were closed to tourism by the COVID-19, we have not stopped working to prepare the moment in which we could reopen our houses to receive them. All the owners of our establishments have taken advantage of this break to make improvements and also to modify the cleaning protocols.
Although the worst of the pandemic seems to be over, we cannot relax or forget warnings of possible future outbreaks. The proposal we are proposing goes in two directions, on the one hand the prevention of contagion (with the implementation of our new cleaning protocol), and on the other hand having our actions prepared in the event of a resurgence in the coming months, especially through the implementation of the viprenting stay extension guarantee.

What is our cleaning protocol?
Our cleaning protocol has been elaborated after consultation with the tourist and sanitary authorities of the Island Council of La Palma and the Government of the Canary Islands as well as the advice of the company specialized in disinfection services APINSA.
For our protocol to be more effective, we need everyone involved to know about it and to take responsibility for it: owners, cleaning staff and guests.
We have always bet and have given vital importance to cleanliness and hygiene so that the owners and/or cleaning staff will strictly comply with the following points:
We wash our hands before and after at least 20 seconds with soap.
* Our cleaning staff will wear gloves and mask.
* We ventilate the house for a minimum of 30 minutes, and ventilation will be maintained throughout the cleaning and disinfection process.
* We remove sheets and towels and let the house air again.

First, we disinfect with a disinfectant product (approved by the Ministry of Environment), we use it at all critical points as switches, door handles, taps, washbasins, remote controls, etc. and let it act minimum 5 minutes.
* For later, carry out a thorough cleaning of the whole house with emphasis on bathroom and kitchen areas.
* Sheets, towels, welcome products for new guests are introduced into the house after full cleaning and placed in sheltered closets in plastic bags.
* Sofas, pillows and mattresses shall be sucked with special care and disinfected by heat.
*There shall also be disinfection and cleaning of baskets, dustbins and laundry.
*We will place hydro-alcoholic disinfectant gels on the front doors of the house.

What we ask of our guests.
* Guests are asked to leave the house by airing.
* Guests are requested to report any anomalies to be considered or assessed prior to the arrival of the following customers and to report whether they have had any symptoms compatible with COVID-19. If this happens, the specialized company APINSA will be contacted for deep disinfection of the facility by vaporization.
In this way, we ensure that there is no possibility of infection between the entry of one guest and the other.

Guarantee of prolongation of stay of viprenting.

What is our guarantee of extended stay?
In the event of outbreaks of COVID19 arising either in the Canary Islands or in the country of origin of our guest, Viprenting undertakes to allow, as far as possible (subject to availability), the prolongation of the stay at a very advantageous price. We undertake to allow the extension of the stay with a minimum discount of 20% extendable up to a maximum of 40% depending on the circumstances (negotiable).

If the house in which the guest wishes to extend his stay must be occupied by other guests, Viprenting is committed to rehousing the guest in another house of the group that is available for those dates, keeping the minimum discount of 20%.

When can you use this warranty?

If there is a flare-up in La Palma
If there’s a flare-up in my place of origin.
If there is a resurgence in any of the places to which it had to travel when leaving the island of La Palma.

What if the house has been reserved by other guests?

Viprenting will look for another group home that is available. If all the houses are occupied, viprenting will do its best to find another accommodation as close as possible to available accommodation.

How much will it cost me to extend my stay?

On the usual price of the house in which you are staying we will apply a minimum of 20% discount, which can be extended up to 40% if the situation involves closing of the airspace or other drastic measures by the government (percentages above 20% are negotiable depending on the circumstances).

If the house is previously reserved by other guests, viprenting will look for another accommodation and keep the minimum discount of 20% on the price of the new accommodation.

Viprenting’s extended stay guarantee makes it easy for us to decide what to do if there is a flare-up while we enjoy our vacation. They will allow us to stay in the house at a reduced price of at least 20%, which can be up to 40%, depending on the circumstances. If the stay extension is not possible in the same house because it has to be occupied by other guests, with this guarantee, viprenting will look for another group house that is available and will keep us discounted.

Viprenting also adds to this guarantee a break between guests of at least 24 hours as part of its strict protocol of cleaning and disinfecting their cottages.

Consejos para ser sostenibles cuando viajamos a las islas canarias

sostenibilidad, viaje, islas canarias, potencia minima contratada

¿Has decidido viajar a las Islas Canarias en las próximas vacaciones de verano? Un destino increíble, sin dudas, que te permitirá disfrutar de las más espectaculares playas de Europa. Ahora, como la idea es que puedas pasar las vacaciones sin ningún tipo de preocupaciones en casa, lo mejor será tomar algunas pequeñas previsiones para ser sostenibles en el hogar mientras estamos recorriendo las arenas canarias.

Tranquilo, para ser sostenibles en casa mientras estamos de viaje no hace falta tomar medidas exageradas, con algunas pequeñas previsiones, tales como averiguar cuál es la potencia mínima que se puede contratar o como adquirir la tarifa PVPC.

De todas formas, para estar completamente seguros de que tu hogar será cien por ciento sostenible en tu ausencia, también te estaremos dando algunos consejos prácticos de gran utilidad.

Por qué debería preocuparme cuál es la potencia mínima que se puede contratar mientras estoy de viaje

El sentido común nos invita a pensar que si no estamos en casa no deberíamos preocuparnos por averiguar cuál es la potencia mínima que se puede contratar. Al fin y al cabo, si estamos de vacaciones y no estamos consumiendo energía, no tendremos que pagar ni un euro en la factura eléctrica. Sin embargo, no hay nada más lejos de la realidad.

En España, la factura energética está compuesta de dos costes distintos: uno fijo, asociado a la cantidad de potencia contratada en el hogar; y uno variable, que se relaciona con la cantidad de consumo efectivo que hayamos realizado.

Esto significa, sin más, que sin importar si hayas utilizado el servicio energético o no, siempre tendrás que abonar cierta cantidad asociada a la parte fija de la tarifa, la cual será menos costosa en la medida que la potencia contratada también sea menor. La potencia mínima es de 1,15 kW, pero puede que esta no sea la potencia eléctrica recomendada para tu piso.

Por qué contratar la tarifa PVPC con discriminación horaria antes de viajar

Así como la potencia contratada afecta la parte fija de la tarifa de nuestra factura eléctrica, las tarifas contratadas afectan la cuota variable, ya que dependiendo del método de cálculo que utilice la oferta contratada, este monto podría cambiar sustancialmente independientemente la cantidad de consumo que hayamos realizado.

Al respecto, antes de emprender nuestra aventura en las Islas Canarias, podríamos explorar la posibilidad de afiliarnos a una tarifa PVPC con discriminación horaria como forma de reducir los costes asociados a cualquier consumo fantasma. Si quieres más información sobre la tarifa PVPC en 2020 te invitamos a leer el siguiente artículo: https://agua2013.es/tarifa-pvpc/con-discriminacion-horaria/ seguramente bastará.

Cómo evitar consumos fantasmas mientras viajamos por las Islas Canarias

Sería una sorpresa muy desagradable regresar de unas increíbles vacaciones por las Islas Canarias y descubrir que en la factura energética tenemos consumos fantasmas de energía que no hemos realizado. ¿Cómo evitar que esto ocurra? Siguiendo las siguientes sugerencias:

  • Desconecta todos los electrodomésticos y cargadores de las tomas corrientes antes de viajar.
  • Reduce al mínimo el frío de la nevera.
  • Cierra el paso del agua y del gas mientras estés de viaje.
  • Si tienes un vecino de confianza, deja un juego de llaves del piso con él para atender cualquier emergencia en tu ausencia.

V Vertical Malvasía 2018. The August Vertical.

(10% discountat the end of this post- for any accommodation listed in viprenting.com )

4th August 2018, once more, Vertical kilometer Malvasía and  this is the 5th edition.

Not too hot, but hot enough.

The run started at 19:00 hours from Punta Larga Beach, and went up to Los Canarios. We ran up the hill t through Los Quemados, very close to Villa La Malvasía, where the famous wine is grown. It makes a track of almost 4 kilometers and 749 m climbing.

The first step is La Palmera de Ambrosio: the path starts in the beach, and after 400 meters it suddenly starts going up, then at the top of the hill you can see it, A palm tree, called “La Pamera de Ambrosio” by local people. It seems that you will never arrive to that tree, so you could think that this is the worst part of the race. You are not exactly right… Continue reading “V Vertical Malvasía 2018. The August Vertical.”

My Transvulcania 2018

I have run 3 times Half Marathon and another 3 the Marathon. This year I run again the Marathon, so this was my seventh time on Transvulcania.

Trying to forget numbers on my birth date, every year I tried to run faster. And I had got it every time in the last six years. 2018 was a new opportunity to run faster again. As in 2017 I ran Transvulcania Marathon in 4h and 57 minutes, this year I had very clear what I wanted to do: run 7 minutes faster, so I should arrive to Tazacorte in less than 4h 50 minutes… Continue reading “My Transvulcania 2018”

Transvulcania 2018

 Villa La Malvasía and Casa La Gorona received this year some Transvulcania runners.

Transvulcania is a perfect sport event for families. Four different distances,  and the Transvulcania Kids give possibilities of participation for different members of the family, according to the preferences of each one.

In  Villa La Malvasía, Alba came with her wonderful family to enjoy some days of relaxing vineyards sightseeing contrasting with the hight mountains views during the race, following Carlos Antonio in his Ultramarathon trail along the island. Congratulations! you got it, you are a FINISHER!

In Casa La Gorona they decided to participate in shorter distance (not really short, but shorter). While the siblings Fayna and Aida ran Continue reading “Transvulcania 2018”

Running La Palma west forest in April

Laderas del Oeste de La Palma en plena foración.

La Palma has been known as “La Isla Bonita” (The beautiful Island). But what we can see these days on west side mountains is really amazing. A good probe that who is beautiful can have always a better day and get up in the morning with a special beauty.

The reason for this exceptional views is that in this season corazoncillo  (Lotus campylocladus ssp. hillebrandii) is on flower. Millions of yellow flowers cover every single hill, mound or ravine.

I show you some pictures so you could start thinking about how those mountains look like now. But of course, pictures are not good enough. You have to go there and see it by your own.

I like mountain running, so I will tell you how to get there this way. You could also do a similar tour by all terrain car or with a mountain bike riding by the road. You will see also very interesting views.

You can start in Los  Canarios (Fuencaliente) by path GR 131. This is the same path used by Transvulcania and Ruta de Los Volcanes. You can also go by car one kilometer up the hill so you avoid the first hard steep slopes.

After 3 km you will find a cross with the signal “Fuente del Tión”, take this one, so you leave GR 131 behind you, and start walking West. After 2 km, you will get to “Fuente del Tión” (water available here). Keep on the same path West direction till you get to a road, then take the road and keep on it during 7 kilometers, you will get to “Hoyo de la Cima”. This is a big hole on the ground (around 60 m deep).

On the left side of road there is a path which goes downhill to Jedey. Two days ago it was closed, so you can go a bit further by the road (400 meters) and take left in the first cross.

All the way is really amazing, but the first kilometer of this path is just surprising. Specially because if you keep your attention on the right, you will se the only one Corazoncillo ever seen before with white flowers.

After 5 km downhill you are in Jedey. Back to civilization. You can choose to take the bus back to Fuencaliente, call a taxi or, if you are still fit, take the path GR 130 and run during another 12 km back to Fuencaliente.

Whatever you may choose, nothing better than finissh day enjoying the sunset from Villa La Malvasía. Breathing the most pure of relaxing holidays in a Country House full of quietness surrounded by vineyards who are already promising the harvest of a very good wine. Continue reading “Running La Palma west forest in April”